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Baptism marks the beginning of a life-long journey with God.


Baptism, sometimes called a Christening, is an outward step we make in response to God’s love for us - love which Christians believe is shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism is a joyful moment for all involved - it's the start of an amazing journey of faith and a special day for your family and friends. You can find out more here.

Holy Trinity Skipton has a mixed and growing congregation and is welcoming of all. Baptisms can take place either during the Sunday 9.45am Family Communion or at 12noon following on from the service. We are delighted to baptise those who live in the parish and those who have become regular worshipping members of our congregation. If this is not the case, please be in touch as it may still be possible to arrange a service.


For further information, or to make an application for Baptism at Holy Trinity or St Augustine, please complete this application form and return it to or contact the office on 01756 793622.


Heavenly Father,

open the doors of our hearts in awe and wonder to behold the beauty of your presence.


Lord Jesus,

illuminate our path that we might offer generous and loving space for the comfort and need of our neighbour.


Holy Spirit,

unfurl our minds in gratitude and humility that we might witness to the potential and fullness of the Kingdom.


Holy Trinity Church

1A Mill Bridge,


BD23 1NJ


The Parish Office

Rectory Cottage,

Rectory Lane,


BD23 1ER


01756 793622




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"I am the way, the truth and the life." - Jesus of Nazareth

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